teisipäev, 19. juuni 2018

Food diary

Already two weeks I've been thinking that I should write here something, because checking the statistics in Blogger, it tells me that there are still few loyal readers left. What do you do in this blog, abandoned for weeks, will probably remain an unsolved mystery for me.

So I thought of uploading the morning views, I have been taking since first of march this year. But as you can see on the pictures, not much variety there either.

My Click & Grow that I switched on at Easter, has become considerable allotment garden. Already now I can pick some tomatoes (three out of six are red) from my book shelf and soon hopefully also some wild berries (three blossoms!). So, for the last two weeks every day I've been going to the store tomorrow to get some soil and plant the basil in some less innovative pot and fill the clicking hole with cilantro or chili. As you can see from the picture, tomorrow is not here yet. But that day will dawn and take my gardening to the next dimension. Luunja and Laheotsa farms, be prepared!

Kika asked few weeks ago, if I'd like to write down everything I eat during a week. No problem, I thought, how long can it take to write down those three things, I thought I eat. I was under the illusion that I eat like a catwalk model during her career peak and my bathroom scale is just broken and shows me numbers suitable for Peppa the Pig, not Kate Moss. After the first week, it was clear that local and neighbouring countries' candy and chocolate factories are still in business only thanks to my contribution. Starting day 3 I didn't even bother writing down each sweet and wrote as amount just "a lot". During the second week I crossed off all sweets with added sugar and am eating only below the cross now. Still haven't brought the scale to repair.

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