Yesterday we noticed that the best donut bar in capital, Holy Donut is just around the corner from our apartment and today, already before they opened the doors, we were waiting. Within the next 15 minutes we were able to choose our donuts from the tens and tens of them and create a fairly remarkable lane behind us. I added some eggs Benedict for me and we sat down. Scott's choice was the bacon and maple syrup donut and lime one, mine was with cherries.
After the breakfast we walked to Frank Zappa's monument, where they had a very fair warning on the wall as well: Don't eat yellow snow. We walked some more in old town, visited the library street and watched the flag change by the parliament, where two tourists (yep, us) were told that they are sitting in the not prohibited area and one soldier notified about his not correct pose. We also saw some artificial flowers on one house, nicely put in water... On the main street there was "Dinner in Sky" happening this weekend and we walked past just as they lifted the next set of dinner guests up... and right away down again, because apparently it was too much for one guy. We made our way to Užupis to have a light lunch. Scott had the gazpacho and me the cold beetroot soup and some ricotta pancakes. Muy good.
Since our plan for the day was the alternative Vilnius, we set our route based on street art. Near the railway station there's a bar that has the satirical take of Brežnev's and Honecker's Kiss from Berlin Wall, where now Trump and Putin are the ones kissing. There's also a huge "Let's make Empathy great again" with the boy-Trump figure in front of it. We also paid a visit to the railway station and had a coffee in the beach bar in old town.
Right before going to airport, we stopped in IKEA to get an office chair for Scott and some silicon spatulas for me. And in no time we were again in the ever the gray airport. We checked the two parts of the chair in and went to the security, where it turned even more gray. I had bought a little sword-shaped fridge magnet for Robyn and put it between my notebook, so it wouldn't get broken between all the other stuff in my bag. The extremely competent security guard considered it "sharp object" with the BLADE longer than allowed 5cm and took it away. The same magnet, that would have just broken, if I would have hit anyone with it. Right through security, few steps further, there was already the first restaurant, where just like that we could take actual metal forks and knives. The ones that won't brake, should you hit someone with those. Go figure, right.
After the breakfast we walked to Frank Zappa's monument, where they had a very fair warning on the wall as well: Don't eat yellow snow. We walked some more in old town, visited the library street and watched the flag change by the parliament, where two tourists (yep, us) were told that they are sitting in the not prohibited area and one soldier notified about his not correct pose. We also saw some artificial flowers on one house, nicely put in water... On the main street there was "Dinner in Sky" happening this weekend and we walked past just as they lifted the next set of dinner guests up... and right away down again, because apparently it was too much for one guy. We made our way to Užupis to have a light lunch. Scott had the gazpacho and me the cold beetroot soup and some ricotta pancakes. Muy good.
Since our plan for the day was the alternative Vilnius, we set our route based on street art. Near the railway station there's a bar that has the satirical take of Brežnev's and Honecker's Kiss from Berlin Wall, where now Trump and Putin are the ones kissing. There's also a huge "Let's make Empathy great again" with the boy-Trump figure in front of it. We also paid a visit to the railway station and had a coffee in the beach bar in old town.
Right before going to airport, we stopped in IKEA to get an office chair for Scott and some silicon spatulas for me. And in no time we were again in the ever the gray airport. We checked the two parts of the chair in and went to the security, where it turned even more gray. I had bought a little sword-shaped fridge magnet for Robyn and put it between my notebook, so it wouldn't get broken between all the other stuff in my bag. The extremely competent security guard considered it "sharp object" with the BLADE longer than allowed 5cm and took it away. The same magnet, that would have just broken, if I would have hit anyone with it. Right through security, few steps further, there was already the first restaurant, where just like that we could take actual metal forks and knives. The ones that won't brake, should you hit someone with those. Go figure, right.
Tere, kõik, ma olen PATRICIA Thomas. praegu elab USA-s Texase linnas. Olen praegu nelja lapsega lesk ja olin 2019. aasta mais finantsseisundis ummikus ning mul oli vaja refinantseerida ja arveid maksta. Proovisin otsida laene erinevatelt nii era- kui ka korporatiivsetelt laenufirmadelt, kuid mitte kunagi õnnestunult ja enamik panku keeldus minu krediidist. Kuid nagu jumalal oleks, tutvustati mulle jumalamehele eralaenu andjat, kes andis mulle laenu 95 000 USD ja on täna ettevõtte omanik ning mu lastel läheb praegu hästi, kui peate mõne ettevõttega ühendust võtma viide
VastaKustutalaenu tagamine ilma tagatiseta, krediidikontrollita, vaid 2-protsendise intressimääraga kaasallkirjastaja ja paremate tagasimakseplaanide ning ajakavaga pöörduge hr Elijah poole ( ). Ta ei tea, et ma seda teen, kuid olen nüüd nii õnnelik ja otsustasin inimestele rohkem temast teada anda ning soovin ka, et Jumal teda rohkem õnnistaks. Kui olete sattunud rahalisse olukorda, võtke kõhklemata ühendust hr Elijaga. E-posti aadress ( ). ta peab
vastame sulle kohe, kui ta saab sinu kirja
Pour remédier aux préjudices financiers subis sur internet, l'Organisme International de Répression Contre la Cybercriminalité et la Brigade d'enquêtes sur les fraudes aux technologies de l’information créés par les pouvoirs publics et en collaboration par Interpol mondial sont à la disposition de toute personne victime de toutes formes d'escroquerie sur internet. Contactez-nous directement à l'adresse suivante: /
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